File too large problem.

When I try to transfer the huge STRING PPI data file (30.1GB text
file), there was always a problem, indicating this error, “Error
splicing file: File too large”
The problem is  my hard drive was formatted in FAT32 format. The max
file size for FAT32 is 4GB. The max file size for FAT16 is only 2GB!
To solve this problem there are many ways.
(1) Use grep to specifically retrieve the information you may wish to
use, as I deed, greb . 9606 …
(2) split the huge files into several pieces. On linux use split
(3) Format FAT32 into NTFS

FAT (File Allocation Table, 16-bit) FAT is used for all drives under
512 MB, such as flash memory cards and floppy disks. The largest drive
supported by the FAT filesystem is 2 GB.

FAT32 (File Allocation Table, 32-bit) Designed to overcome the 2 GB
partition limit with the FAT system, FAT32 is supported by every
version of Windows since Windows 95 OSR2. Today, it’s used mostly for
flash memory cards larger than 2 GB, and on older PCs running Windows
98 and Windows Me.

In addition to the support for larger drives, it also supports smaller
file clusters, so it stores information more efficiently than FAT.
Read my previous post on how to format an external hard drive in

NTFS (NT Filesystem) NTFS, designed from the ground up to completely
replace FAT/FAT32, is the default filesystem on all Vista PCs.
(Specifically, Vista supports NTFS version 3.1.)

It offers security features like encryption and permissions,
compression, and quotas. It’s typically faster and more reliable than
FAT/FAT32, and supports drives up to 2 terabytes in size

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